My Cinderella Story (Hot Topic x Cinderella 70th Anniversary)

Hello everyone!  Long time no post!
Yesterday, I had the honor of getting featured by Hot Topic!
Where I shared my immigrant story for Cinderella's 70th Anniversary.
I originally submitted an essay but had to condensed into a 1 minute long video.  Which I felt left a lot out from what I wanted to share, so I decided to write a blog post with the full script.

But before that! I wanted to thank my boyfriend, Warren, for helping me out make sense of my depressing crying 3 am ramblings into something coherent!! He is a wonderful writer and the MVP!!


My Cinderella Story
 At the age of twelve, my family of four immigrated to the United States from a small coastal city of Peru. I did not come from a well-off family, but we managed comfortably. My mother taught art at my school while my father was an accountant. Both of them worked day in and day out, night and day in their desired professions to provide so we briefly got to see them throughout the week. Regardless my parents rotating between work and home, they gave their absolute best to give my brother and me an ideal upbringing. (ocean city) had everything from rich culture, to beautiful ocean scenery, and to strong family values. This describes all feats that would make anyone want to settle down for the rest of their lives, right? So why did we move? Due to my lack of wisdom as a child, I hardly noticed the city’s high rate in crime and drugs. Our past landlord was arrested for producing and distributing drugs. Not only that, there was a case where my father had to restrain our landlord from abusing his elder mother on more than one occasion. Local gangs were prevalent throughout the city; one of my older cousins was an affiliated member of one of these gangs. Vandalism was all over the place. Robberies happened often leaving our neighborhood on high alert. Despite the rich culture of my home town cultivated, the negative, crime ridden reputation did not secure the safety of my family. With the rampant crime rate and both parents working, I was strictly kept inside our house for more hours of the day than I could remember. Most importantly, these string of dangers lead my family to leave for America.

Starting an extremely clean slate in a new country was as if sleeping on a bed of nails. Upon arriving in the States, we moved in with our uncle who had no room for us in the house. We had to sleep in the garage. Both my parents went to adult school to learn English as well as working full time at deadend jobs just to make ends meet. My mother wept every night before bed. She desperately yearned for the feeling of home and familiarity. This shook our family to the core; we could not do anything but give her hugs and words of encouragement. Here in the States, I was back to square one. I had not a single friend. In Peru, I had plenty of wonderful friends who shared my love for anime, manga, and Japanese pop music. Before leaving for the states, I was bullied by a group of boys students who pelted me with ugly jokes. Their words withered at my self-image and self-confidence. Would I get bullied again? Would the kids think I’m strange for enjoying in Japanese media? Would I make any friends at all?! These anxiety inducing thoughts raced in my mind perpetually. On top of all the stressors, I began forming a mild case of asthma which had me seeing the school nurse often. The obstacles we faced were beyond imagination. We were knocked down a few times, but we kept getting up and pushing forward.

With a hundred percent persistent dedication, we managed to build a foundation for ourselves. We struggled, we hurt, we learned, and eventually we were able to share smiles. True smiles. My parents were able to see the fruits of their labor. They poured their blood, sweat, and tears to get our very own home. House was not the newest nor the most extravagant, but well enough to fit the four of us comfortably; a place that we felt was our own. My brother was able to snag a well paying career and I was able to finish school with honours bachelor's of Computer Information Technology. Not too long after moving, I made friends with a set of twins, Jessica and Jessenia. They helped me get familiar and comfortable with my new life. The icing on top was that they both loved anime and manga, too. To this day we are still best of friends. I was able to make many more friends than I could count! Many of them also have the same love for Japanese media and many other interests. Since the part of Southern California where we moved is relatively safe, my parents eventually gave the green light in exploring the outside. I ended up going to see a plethora of my favorite bands in concert,, traveling to different states/cities, and attending/working at anime/comic conventions. Working conventions had me cross paths with some of my favorite brands. This gave me the chance to work for some brands which helped snag my first modeling gig! I absolutely fell in love, and ever since, I have been granted many more opportunities modeling with more my favorite brands.  All the ugly insults that hurt me as a child can take a backseat for this is poetic justice. 

Who would have thought that the journey from to the United States would bring me here? My family and I truly found a place to call home. We were able to pull ourselves up despite the challenges. I am proud of my accomplishments in my school academics. I am ecstatic to have made lifetime friends. I am fortunate to have the opportunity and passion to model. Is this the American Dream?.. No, this is a Cinderella Story.

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